Wild West Playground

I alluded to some fun summertime activities we’ve been enjoying lately, including a playground in West Jordan made to look like a Wild West Town (historically Utah of course).  After making an effort to find the place I couldn’t believe I hadn’t known it was there until then; it is soo close by!  Seriously, they built the brand new library next door and I had been looking for that place too.  (Sheesh, Sarah!)


Not only was there plenty of place for the girls to run, climb, play and slide, but there was also a long row of swings, including lots of baby seated swings for the little ones to enjoy.  And enjoy they did!  The weather was gorgeous and we enjoyed a lovely summer day at the park.


(I promise Ava was there too, but she was having too much fun running around with her new friends to be bothered taking pictures.)

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