Quote of the Day

Lily was fooling around and fooling around at dinnertime.  Eventually she lost her dessert (i.e. marshmallows tonight) privilege.  She was pretty upset about it -

L: (grumpily) I'm gonna tell Daddy I wanted candy.
Me: (sweetly) Make sure to tell Daddy why.
L: (grumpily) I'm gonna tell Daddy you're being mean.
Me: (sweetly) Make sure to tell Daddy you disobeyed and so you lost your privilege.
L: (grumpily) I'm not telling him that.


Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! So funny!

Nancy said...

I can hear, in my head, the voices of you and Lily as you discuss this situation -- then you turn away quickly to hide your snickering at the end, because she's so darn funny!