34 Weeks Update

I am officially at the 34 weeks mark now, only 6 more (or less) weeks to go! I have been feeling very fit, but I do tend to get tired out more frequently. I forget how big I am and am constantly finding myself being unable to lean over the kitchen counter or sidle sideways down the hall due to my waistline. I definitely feel heavier as well as much more cumbersome. You can tell the baby is in position and I have had a few pangs down there, so I am sure everything is progressing as it should. I recently was reminded about the value of Red Raspberry Leaf for preparing my body for brith, so I picked up some capsules at the health food store and have been trying to remember to take them.

I have been "nesting", I suppose, cleaning the house from top to bottom and being much more motivated to finish books and projects that I have wanted to complete for awhile. It wears me out to tell you the truth, but I just can't sit still.

The girls have been transitioning too. Lily has been moving towards one nap rather than two and Ava has been slipping out of her crib at naptime, playing in her darkened room rather than sleeping. Tonight we are going to move Lily into Ava's room, as we need Lily's room as the guest room for visiting parents soon, and I would rather tackle this change with a little more energy, which means doing it now rather than later in my pregnancy. Lily still gets up almost three hours before Ava, but bedtimes have synced up, so we will see how it all works. I think Ava will just sleep through me getting Lily up in the morning, based on the fact that when I have had to go in and wake Ava up in the mornings, she is always passed out cold and it is hard to stir her. We'll keep you posted!

Elliott is smack-dab in the middle of budget season, which means he works late nights and we don't see him as much. We miss him, but I hope that he can complete the majority of the work before Piper's birth, so that he will be able to adjust his schedule accordingly and be able to be with us more often in the early days. I have tried to keep him cheerful through yummy treats and fun dinners when he is home, and have tried to keep the girls up later so he gets some cuddles and hugs to greet him when he comes home. Ava has gotten much more cconversational of late and will tell daddy all about her day and what she has planned for tomorrow (even if it's sometimes inaccurate it's amusing; she told him that the other day she and I went to library but Lily stayed home because she was too little and needed to take a nap. No folks, I didn't leave Lily at home, she came to the library with us.)

Anwyay, I asked Elliott to take a photo to document "my growth" and he captured a few other fun shots of me and the girls as well. Enjoy!


M.S. said...

I love the photos and the updates! Mom and Me photos ROCK!

Babette said...

Oh my!! I am sitting here giggling looking at Lily's smile:) So incredibly cute together with Ava! What a beautiful family:)

Tracy Lindley said...

Lookin' good, sis! When your face still looks thin and your belly is round, you know you're doing alright :) Thanks for the pics of the girls too, how I miss them. Ava's hair has gotten so long and Lily looks more like her daddy every day. Love it!!!