One of Those Days

Piper has been on a tear today. Who needs to have boys when I have Piper?

She woke up this morning covered in pee, having filled her diaper long ago, so we started the day with a bath. Finally got everybody dressed and out the door for church, where she behaved herself (I think). After lunch at home I caught her coloring on her church dress with a crayon. So I decided it was naptime and whisked her off to bed. I thought I took the crayon away. I thought I did...

...until I went to get her up from her nap. Where she was sitting happily coloring. On everything...

her sheet and pillow, ...

her dresser, .... 

her crib, .... 

her soother.

My saving grace is that the crayon was washable.  And I have a Magic Eraser in the cleaning supplies.  Whew!  Crisis averted.  But that's not all folks.

After waking up from her nap I sent her outside to play.  She came in a little while later with grass clippings all over asking to eat fruit for a snack.  Since I was canning peaches I gave her a few pieces and sent her back outside.  I figured she can't get any dirtier, what's some sticky peach juice too.  And by that point I had given up and raised the white flag.

That's pretty much the extent of her craziness.  Today anyway.  Stay tuned, I am sure there will be more.


Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Oh dear. More work for mama! Thank God for magic erasers though. I recently used one to get sharpie of my recently refinished table. I was about to have a hissy fit until I remembered my good friend magic eraser. :)

Tracy Lindley said...

OMG--what a disaster!!! If it makes you feel any better, we were about 5 minutes away from walking out the door to church ourselves when I forced Levi to eat just one more bite of scrambled eggs and BLEGH...up it all came. I was already running behind and the only thing I'd done to get ready was get dressed--and now my pants and shoes had vomit on them. ICK! I told Matthew there was no way we were going to church but he said we could just go and be late and I'm glad we did because we would have missed a fantastic Gospel-centered sermon so I know we needed to be there. Anyway, what a drag but thank God for whoever invented washable crayons (and markers...and Magic Erasers). Lord bless 'em! Love those kids, hate the mess :)