Our Week So Far...

Blurry. That's what today is. Lily has really been struggling at night. Two nights ago she was just wide awake from 3-4am and last night when I got back from meeting with a girlfriend (after putting Lily to bed for the night, so I thought) around 9:30pm, there she was - watching football with daddy in the living room. Apparently she had no interest in going back to sleep for him and I didn't have much more luck. She sat quietly with us, happily sucking her binky, until I had had enough and managed to get her back to sleep close to 11pm. And no, that didn't stop her from getting up ALOT in the night. Whew! What a day it will be...

Ava also had a rougher sleep, er rather naptime, yesterday. When her screaming reached an interesting pitch (not the usual "come rock with me" but a little something more sinister), I went in to check on her. Not only had she climbed out of her crib, she had climbed onto the dresser beside her crib and was hunched there on the top trying to figure out how to get back down! She also had a one track mind that afternoon, sleeping (it's doubtful though) for an uber-short 30 minutes (max), greeting me with an enthusiastic "I awake Mommy!", popping up from her bed, "I have candy now!" I had promised her a small Halloween-size bag of M&Ms after naptime and she had definitely remembered, so much so that it was all she could think about and just couldn't nap due to the excitement.

Monday too brought a couple of new Ava adventures. When I kept denying her a morning snack she resorted to a new tactic - she told me her Blue Bunny wanted a snack. I asked her what Blue Bunny would like and it was apparent she hadn't thought that far ahead and wandered off with no answer. We also got to experience a call to Poison Control for the first (of what I am sure will be MANY) time. Ava got into my nightstand while we were prepping Lily for bed and apparently I had stashed a travel pill box in there. When I realized it was way too quiet and discovered what she was doing - happily making piles out of Benadryl, Tylenol, vitamins, and sleeping pills - I freaked out and called Poison Control since I had no idea if she had actually ingested any. In the end it was a false alarm (I realized AFTER the phone call there was simply no way she would have enjoyed the taste of those pills on her own) but it was nice to get a test run at the Poison Control nurse before the next emergency happens.

What will the the rest of the week bring? Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Jennifer B said...

Wow sounds like you have had your hands full. Sending you good night sleep vibes. Hopefully tonight goes better. =)